Collection: Flowers & Gardens Collection
My most joyous experiences are with hands deep in earth dirt. Precious are hours spent raking, pruning, pulling and patting, lost in the sensations of this tactile experience.
Most mornings I walk my garden alert to the next emergence. Afternoons are glorious if spent with a friend or a good book surrounded in garden. When light wanes, its gifts of fragrance and nuance of hues merge in a unified cohesiveness. My imaginings drift to energetic beings residing just on the other side. Breathing in beauty deeply, I watch as the flow of colours deepen and dark engulf the garden.
On my “Inspired Journeys” I am drawn to simple gardens where celebrations of a meal or song is shared. Imprinted with the experience, my paintings are feelings of reverence and celebration of the natural elements. ..... JILL
“I am gone into the field to take what this sweet hour yields” ...............Shelley
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