The story of Canadian Artist Lauren Lindsay Campbell

An accomplished artist Lauren’s paintings have been shown in Tofino where she lived for over ten years.
Born in Vancouver, she with her family lived for a year in a remote hamlet in rural Provence, France. Attending a one room school for a year in a magical valley of generational families who lived close to the land, then in 1990 moving to Salt Spring Island it was an easy transition, as school in the gulf islands 33 years ago was not dissimilar to rural France.
A natural animal intuitive she grew up on ten acres with a beloved Shetland pony ‘Jake’, ‘Survivor’ an orphaned Suffolk Lamb, ‘Quakers’ a duck she nurtured from egg, they all soon became a farmyard menagerie of pets, the loudest being ‘Wigglily’ an injured piglet she bottle fed. Indeed her childhood years on Salt Spring Island is the stuff of fairytales.

High School in the islands then a year at Queen Margaret’s School in Duncan she later graduated from Aesthetician School in Victoria, becoming a talented Aesthetician and Massage Therapist. Through out this time her passions for the natural world continued to develop.
Workshops in hide tanning, she created a line of crafted medicine bags, knife holders each with her unique bead work. Bee keeping also a passion, in 2012 she took ‘BeeKeeping at Royal Roads University in Victoria, now for over ten years attends to her hives, captured swarms and has introduced many to the uniquely exciting world of bees. Lauren’s artistic talent evident at an early age, fostered while living in Tofino while working part time at The Mark Hobson Gallery. Appreciation of the art of this well known British Columbia wildlife artist together Jill her mother, helped give Lauren the confidence to exhibit her own paintings while living in Tofino. It is a natural evolution for Lauren to join her Mother’s Gallery. Lauren moved back to SSI in 2020. Her work experience from
The Mark Hobson Gallery as well decades of working in a small Ayurvedic Spa often managing staff, scheduling appointments gave Lauren tools to manage The Jill Louise Campbell Gallery. Lauren and her dedicated Gallery Registrar, Carmen Casanova are the faces most seen at the gallery.

Lauren’s unique artistic style is charming her audience.
No other has expressed the deeply loved natural world like Lauren. Each painting born from her personal experiences while walking in remote forests with her beloved Siberian Husky ‘Astra’ can feature Cougars, Wolves as well sacred geometry imbedded in wild yet softened pink sky’s. Remote beaches and encountered world of whales while surfing are all keening observed through the magical lens of her intuitive spirit. Lauren’s stories are as powerful as her paintings shown at the gallery. Her quiet voice is even more captivating when one listens into her softly shared experiences with a client. Her compassion for the natural world is energetically felt and permeates with every conversation.
Enjoy these candid photos of Lauren while in her crafts and zeal for life