Happy New Year



2024 Begins

Sharing is at the heart of appreciation. Creating paintings of my inspirations springs from a well of beloved memories and deep desires to see beauty in my surroundings. Having a Gallery since 1992, it’s the wonderful people from all over the world I am so grateful to, who give support and encouragement.


With over thirty years sharing my art this new year I once again pause for reflection of all I am grateful for and all I look forward to.


Appreciating my many visits to France, I came across my writings of visiting Carnac, Brittany just a few years ago. ‘Standing Stones’ painting shown above, its iconic stones, farm fields and otherworld enchantment represents so much of what France stirs in me. Researching my photos, journals and paintings is top of mind as this year I am writing a book of ‘France Inspired Journeys’. It is in creation. I am returning to France in an ART retreat in the Fall 2024.


Happy New Year to you, may the best be yet to come and may you too see the intrinsic beauty in all you encounter.


Warmest wishes

