Fabulous Fall and more

'Fabulous Fall Auction' is now closed. Many Thanks to all who participated! It was a rounding success! For one week clients who subscribed to our mailing list were treated to a week of lively auction on previously viewed limited editions. Tracking # for your shipping will be sent within a week. Gallery pick-up is available. LINK to Auction details

Other great offerings in the gallery...
A certain atmospheric glow on Salt Spring Island is usually observed in early morning or evening light. This Fall we are noticing days of golden light, clearly felt in our Gallery. Clients often announce upon entering they feel surrounded with such joyous colour it make them happy! Heart warming! Colour resonance can illuminate the good vibes we all need to be healthy, empowered, creative and whole.

Exciting designed on Silk a new Scarf now added to our 'Art on Fabric Collection'.Ā  A select few 'Fulfillment Scarves' have Jill's original gold lining painted directly on this deeply green/blue harmony of lush colour. LINK A limited number of Silk Scarves are still available making a perfect purchase for gift giving. LINK

Jill's collection of Original Hand Embellished Fine Art has clients thrilled with each unique painting. View the collection here for a one of a kind Original Piece. LINK

'SeaLife by SeaSide' Salt Spring Island coastal observation. Six New mini 5x7 framed originals are added to our Original Collection. Whales, Octopus, Cottages are featured as Jill explores her coastal environment through these charming mixed media studies.Ā  LINK

Jill writes about her newest Three New Original Images now available as Limited Editions. "Cherish The Moment" LINK revisiting beloved France this memory painting sweetly resonates a cheering glow of original heart to hearth home and hamlet in SouthWest France. "The Green Door" LINK long fascinated with pathways through worn doors and windows this portal vibrant with foliage beckons one beyond. "Wind Talk" LINK billowing spinnakers navigated by wind and experience one feels a communication beyond time. Gliding past our islands terrain of deep forest, rising to heights that seem to speak from ancient elders. Unmistakable our coastal habitation still resident to its original peoples, we are honoured to live on these spirit filled lands.

Jill regularly posts on Instagram and FaceBook. This Fall her features include walking in Mouats Park by Ganges. LINKĀ 

Lauren Campbell, Jill's daughter continues to attract a growing admiring audience. PearlandOceans her Instagram pages feature a world livingĀ  most of her life on Salt Spring Island. Her art captures a reverent love for natures wild. Soft strength, peaceful and other worldly. Lauren's images are magnets to lovers of nature. LINK

Our Salt Spring Island Gallery hours until Christmas are Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10-5

We are always happy to open almost any time just for you. email the gallery at jlcgallery@gmail.com for a visit!




