Fall hours adjust to changing season

Gallery Hours :  NEW Fall Hours
Thursday  Friday  Saturday 11-4
or call for appointment

We continue to welcome wonderful clients our little Gallery on Salt Spring Island. This year our gallery hours flexed in response to visitors from all over B.C.   Although limiting the number of people in the Gallery at a time, we feel we gave quality time to each.

It is heartwarming to hear so many stories from mainly B.C. Residents and lately Alberta too. I am so grateful to also share my visions of my powerful uplifting inspirations through my paintings while realizing from You our mutual care and love for our humanity. Everyday experiences are filled with love!

As September approaches a new normal emerges. Carmen and I will continue to be flexible with our public hours, answering to our clients needs. 

If you are making a special trip to our Gallery on Salt Spring Island please email at jlcgallery@gmail.com for the latest update. I expect reduction of hours will be made by mid to end of September. Salt Spring Island is beautiful in September. Restaurants and Cafes are open, as are all shops.

 We are so very grateful to have this website with virtual gallery available to view my art as well purchase from and have my art shipped across North America. If changes to shipping does occur we will advise as we know.


Thank you each and everyone who have braved the travel protocols to visit our Gallery. It has been an enormous pleasure connecting with you, weaving our common love for our world. Jill
